What to Know Before Starting a Kitchen Remodel Project

New Spaces Design-Build
September 27, 2021

If you’re considering a remodel for your kitchen, there are many considerations and questions that come into play. You also may not know what to expect, especially if you’ve never tackled a major kitchen remodel before.

Today we’re going to peel back the curtain and take a look at what a kitchen remodel can look like, and some things to anticipate and prepare for.

Know Your Why

There are many reasons to undertake a remodeling project, but it’s important to get at the true ‘Why’s of why you want to remodel your kitchen. An answer like “because it’s outdated” is could actually be a few ‘Why’s:

  • The cabinetry is stained and scuffed
  • The stove is difficult to use
  • There is poor lighting
  • There isn’t enough seating

Before you begin any project, sit down and create a list of these ‘Why’s. This will help you when it comes to making decisions down the line. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all your choices or want to go for the coolest new technologies – but will those actually give you what you’re looking for in a kitchen?

It Might Take Longer to Plan Than You Think

The planning stage is the most important piece of any remodeling project. For many homeowners, this can take more than a month to fully come together. That’s perfectly normal! You don’t want to rush anything. You’ll likely find that one seemingly small decision will make a huge impact on other areas of the remodel. This is where having an experienced design-build team comes in handy – they’ll be able to work with you on planning to find the best ways to lay out your kitchen to truly meet your goals.

No Matter How Much You Plan Beforehand, Expect the Unexpected

With any large project, it’s going to be impossible to fully plan every detail flawlessly. You’re going to encounter snags as you go through the process. Again, this is where having an experienced design-build team in your corner really pays off – they’ll create a plan with you that allows for some wiggle room to address any issues or setbacks that may arise in the remodeling process.

You’ll Need to Set Up a Mini-Kitchen

A kitchen remodel project can take a while to finish. While you’ll be able to use your current kitchen to some extent during the process, there will also be times where that may not be possible. During your planning stage, take some time to plan a mini-kitchen as well that you can use in the meantime if needed. You could move your old fridge to the living room along with a table and some essential appliances. Tap into your design-build team for ideas – they’ve worked with many clients in the past and can offer guidance.

Interested in remodeling your own kitchen? Our award-winning team is ready to meet you virtually to share our innovative Discovery-Design-Build process. We’d be honored to work with you and hope you might consider joining our hundreds of satisfied clients.

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